Construction staging / Traffic Management Schemes

Construction at each bridge site is anticipated to be completed in a single construction season, with the proposed staging / traffic management schemes provided in the table below.

Area of Construction Proposed Construction Staging / Traffic Management Scheme Proposed Construction Year & Duration

1. Mohawk Road Underpass

Traffic over bridge maintained with 1 lane in each direction

Interchange ramp from Lincoln Alexander Expressway westbound to 403 eastbound open at all times;

Other interchange ramps may be closed nightly, but will otherwise be open during construction

2013 with 7 months duration

2. Golf Links Road Underpass

Traffic over bridge reduced to a single lane, with alternating two way traffic movements controlled by temporary signals*.

2014 with 6 months duration

3. Southcote Road Underpass

Traffic over bridge reduced to a single lane, with alternating two way traffic movements controlled by temporary signals*

2013 with 6 months duration

4. Fiddlers Green Road Underpass

Traffic over bridge reduced to a single lane, with alternating two way traffic movements controlled by temporary signals*;

Interchange ramps may be closed nightly, but will otherwise be open during construction

2013 with 6 months duration

5. Hamilton Drive Underpass

Bridge closed to traffic during construction

Traffic over Highway 403 detoured via Wilson Street and Garner Road

2014 with 3 months duration

6.Wilson Street Underpass

Traffic over bridge maintained with 2 westbound lanes and 1 eastbound lane;

Interchange ramps may be closed nightly, but will otherwise be open during construction

2014 with 7 months duration

Highway 403

Traffic on Highway 403 under these overpass structures will be reduced nightly to one lane in each direction to facilitate the substructure, soffit, and fascia works (full closure in either direction will not be permitted);

Highway 403 will otherwise be fully open during construction.

2013 and 2014 with variable duration

Traffic access across the Highway 403 corridor in Ancaster will be maintained by staging construction so that rehabilitation is not undertaken simultaneously for the underpasses at Golf Links Road and Southcote Road; for the underpasses at Fiddlers Green Road and Wilson Street; and for the underpasses at Hamilton Drive and Fiddlers Green Road.

In order to ensure pedestrian passage during construction, one (1) existing sidewalk or a single 1.5m wide temporary pedestrian walkway will be accessible at all times through the each project site, with temporary ramps to navigate curbs etc. For structures that have two sidewalks, one of them will be accessible at all times.  For structures that have only one sidewalk, a fenced path will be provided over the bridge when the existing sidewalk is within the work-zone or otherwise inaccessible due to construction activities.

A Highway signage plan has been incorporated into the construction contract to notify motorists of the construction activities. This includes advance signage at select locations which indicates nightly lane closures and also variable message signs which will indicate which ramps (if any) are closed at any given time.

The project team has met with City of Hamilton extensively to coordinate and develop a traffic management plan. The traffic analysis works have been provided to the City, who will be able to adjust/monitor traffic operations and adjust signal timing if required.

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