Project Overview

Welcome to the website for the Detail Design and construction of the rehabilitation of bridges at six (6) locations along Highway 403 from Mohawk Road to Wilson Street (Highway 2) at Duff’s Corners, in the City of Hamilton.

AECOM Canada Limited (AECOM) has been retained by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to undertake the Detail Design of the rehabilitation of bridge structures at six (6) locations along Highway 403 from Mohawk Road to Wilson Street (Highway 2) at Duff’s Corners, in the City of Hamilton (G.W.P. 2338-09-00).  These bridges, which are shown on the key map below, are at the following locations:

  • Mohawk Road Underpass;
  • Golf Links Road Underpass;
  • Southcote Road Underpass;
  • Fiddler’s Green Road Underpass;
  • Hamilton Drive Underpass; and
  • Highway 2 overpass at Duff’s Corners (2 abutting structures).

403 Key Map Image

This Detail Design project is following the approved environmental planning process for Group ‘C’ projects under the ‘Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000)’, with the opportunity for the public to provide input. Upon completion of this project, an Environmental Screening Document (ESD) will be prepared to document the results of investigations and the mitigation measures which have been selected, for internal MTO use and to guide construction contractors. 

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